
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Morning in Paradise

Paradise Montana that's where we've been the last couple of weeks. This little town is where Tim grew up. We lived there for a couple of years after we were married....long time ago. One morning while we were there we went for a walk and snapped some pictures. I thought I'd share them with you. There are a few so I'll try and keep my comments to a minimum. A picture says 1000 words anyway, right?

These are taken down at the river. The Clark Fork is well over 300 miles long and eventually drains into the Columbia and then of course the Pacific Ocean. It is a beautiful river. One that we swam in many summers. Some of my fondest memories are floating down the river on inner tubes with Tim and some friends. The last time we went the water seemed much colder than we had remembered!

On the far side of the bridge where you see the cliffs is a small beach that we used to call Orchards. Favorite swimming spot of our day. I don't know as it's used much any more, but at one time.....

Sun coming up over the mountains.


 You can see some of the cliffs that Tim and his older brother used to climb.

The Elementary school. Grades 1-8. It has been declared an historic building but is still in use.

We really had a lovely visit. Mostly we saw family, that is why we went back, after all. We have already "seen" Montana. But, I was able to find time to take these so I could record "Paradise". We even managed to see some snow when we first got there. Snow and Montana just go together.

This is the view from my sister's place coming down into the Plains valley. Where I grew up.  Originally known as Wild Horse Plains because Native Americans wintered their horses in this valley. It is located about 6 miles from Paradise and is where we both attended high school. I will always be grateful to the little town of Plains if for no other reason than I found this guy I've been hanging around for the last 27 years or so. We haven't lived in this valley in over 25 years or in Montana in over 7. It was lovely to go back and visit. Something we hope to do again.

Now to settle back into our life here and get back on schedule! Someone once said vacations are to make you miss being at home. We did! It's nice to be back.


Leat said...

Such beautiful pictures! Made extra special by you memories.

Linda W. said...

Looks like a great trip. Really love your last photo.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

SO beautiful! I've never been to Montana, but now I really want to visit such a beautiful place.

Kathleen said...

Was so fun to see you :) Love your pictures, you got some really nice ones!