So....I've been doing some research. The whole green smoothie thing I've been doing and how much better I'm feeling already, has got me thinking. I even have Tim drinking one in the morning. He does this voluntarily, mind you. That tells me two things. 1. they must not taste too bad or he wouldn't do it without complaining quite loudly about it. :) and 2. They must be making him feel better also. He has quit drinking those energy drinks almost entirely. He was starting to drink them pretty regular. The point being, he must feel better or he'd still be drinking them more.....I know that I feel better.
I'm not one to just jump on the bandwagon of healthy eating. I have to have some researchable proof that it is actually good for me. For years I've sort of followed the WAPF type of diet. I say sort of because, with our finances I probably wasn't able to do it religiously. Besides, Tim is a free thinker and eats however he feels like. :) He doesn't eat a terribly unhealthy diet. Not a big sugar fan, likes a nice juicy steak, plenty of eggs, veggies and salad and eats dairy mainly in the form of cheese. Doesn't drink milk and eats white bread. One thing I noticed when I was able to follow the WAPF diet the closest was, it made me fat! I was the heaviest I've ever been. Really.
Now that I've alienated all my friends who are fans of WAPF .... no really, come back and listen just a minute. I am not saying that meat and good quality dairy are bad for you. I guess what I'm saying is the proportion of them in comparison to fresh raw veggies is off. I just was not able to digest much meat and dairy. I have had digestion problems for years. But, I was so convinced that I needed to eat these in a higher proportion than the other. I like the Nutritarian pyramid above. It doesn't make these the enemy or leave them out, just smaller amounts. Really, quite simple.
I'll let you do your own research but, I really feel like there is something to this type of eating. We've always known that more nutrition is packed into dark green leafy vegetables right? Yet, really we usually eat them in small occasional portions. Why is that? Personally, I'm tired of being tired. I intend to do what it takes to feel better. Daily exercise and green smoothies have been doing that for me. I still eat meat and dairy just in much smaller amounts. (Tim still eats plentiful portions but that man works hard!)
Did you know that in 100 calories of Bok Choy there is 1,055 mg. of calcium and in 100 calories of milk there is 195? Hmmm.....maybe "Bok Choy does a body good?!"
I'll stop now and give you a couple of links to some websites and a book I have not read but, will be trying to get through Inter Library Loan I'll let you know if I do. These same links are in my healthy eating page in the top bar. Plus a few more.
Really good article explaing what Nutritarian diet is.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman's website, some good info there.
Eat To Live by Dr. J Fuhrman
I hope I've given you something to "chew on".....or stick in the blender.....which, by the way, guess what I found at one of my local yard sales in mint condition?!
Green Smoothie Girl
Her you tube channel
This comes a good time and I need to check this out..thank you...
I hope this helps you Michelle. It really has made me feel better. The walking has too.
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