
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This is not a Lilly! ...oops

I don't know what I was thinking.....probably about my new granddaughter who will have Lilly for a middle name. This is an Iris. I really love the color though. My mother loves the Iris Flowers. At one time she had at least a dozen different colors. I'm not sure that she had this color. I should see if I can find the owner of this place and ask if I can get a start. The yard was full of them here and there. Iris's are very tough flowers and spread, needing to be divided.
It is also the state flower of Tennessee. They are a native plant here. A wildflower. We have nine different species. I don't believe this one is wild. In fact I'm not even entirely sure it's an Iris.....lost my confidence!
If anyone knows differently, let me know. Beautiful flower!


Kathleen said...

It is a beautiful flower! wish that I had some growing in my yard like that!
Love, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful...I am just a novice gardener so I am always asking questions of others.. Oh grandchildren...I do hope to have one some day. I am so looking forward to it....Michelle

Beth said...

I am going to try and find out who owns the place and see if they'll let me have a start. If I get some I send one your way too. I just love the color!
Grandchildren are wonderful! We have two and one on the way. (less than two weeks)
I heard this qoute....."if I'd have known how much fun grandchildren are I'd have had them first!" Lol, its true they are sooo fun.